Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Boo but yeah and data mining

Oh dear - the Northwich gig has been cancelled.  OK, postponed then.  Sorry - out of our control.

____BUT_____ can download our little 4-player in its entirety from a popular tool known as 'bandcamp' (link) (see how I use Granddad quotes).  There is a catch however, and that is that we would very much like your email address.  We can then send you the occasional electronic letter.  That would be swell yeah?

Monday, 27 June 2011


Despite our solid base in Sheffield, we've never played the Harley.  That's not to say we've not set foot in there, just never been asked before.  Well tomorrow we're there: with Arcane Roots (link).

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Sheffield Live(s)

Denzil at the Indie Hour had some nice things to say about us the other day.  You can download the podcast by clicking on Noel Edmonds below:

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Rolling Thunder

Those of you who know us might know that we are very supportive of our city's roller derby team, the Sheffield Steel Roller Girls (you might have seen their merch at our last DIY show).  Well, there's soon to be a film about them (following them up to their last Sheffield bout against Leeds) and the KY is featured on the soundtrack somewhere.  I don't know where, and I don't even know which song.  Es un misterio.

Please do not get us wrong - we are not endorsing the World Of Sports Entertainment, literally just roller derby because its a sport that's actually good.  So if you're in Sheffield on the 2nd of July, come to this:

