Friday, 7 December 2012

KY Tat

Hey look!  A tattoo inspired by our song Steamship!

An old demo of the song* can be found HERE.

*album version a-coming soon.


Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Mike's Carpets has BURNED down...

Selling shirts online now.  Available through the Stable bandcamp (Stable website on its way).

They look like this by the way:

Go HERE......

Album and other stuff available soon.

Friday, 23 November 2012

A changing...

So we've got our album pretty much done.  We've got some mockups of the printing and now we're in the process of find decent duplication, as well as potentially setting up our own banner to release it under.

Now, as much as we'd love to get it out there asap, there's a couple of issues:

  1. The finished product won't be in place until about christmas
  2. You can't have an album launch at christmas - that's just plain wrong
  3. January is a shit time to go out, and no one has any money
So it seems that a February shindig seems like the best option, plus it means we can make a great night of it (planning makes perfect).  We'll try and keep the information flowing about this.

So what to do now?  Well, although the album is nominally 'new', we're a little bored of just playing dem songs, so we're aiming to do another EP of some crazy fresh 'shit'.  You might see us at another show or two, but our focus is to generate some quality and stop pissing around so much.

But tell your friends about us, buy a shirt and say hi if you see us.

Monday, 8 October 2012

arty stuff

Nearly done.  Here's our front and back sleeves courtesy of Sam Brewster (link).

And the back...

Sunday, 30 September 2012


Some interesting shows coming up. Tuesday 2nd Harley (Sheffield) with Johnny Foreigner and Playlounge. This Friday (5th) is at Rocketball in Barnsley, with added bowling. Scotland on the 10th and 11th in Bloc (Glasgow) and Henry's Cellar Bar (Edinburgh) with Bellow Below, Vasquez, Mad Nurse and Black International respectively. And we're trying to get the album finished. Links for facebook folk: 

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

And... resume

We've had a sizeable break over the Summer, mostly for trying to sort our debut album Yan Tan Tethera before we have a little trip to Scotland next month. The studio stuff is recorded and being mixed to fuck, and over the odd weekend we're doing some additional ambient stuff, such as this.

The artwork is being done by fairly-long-time-sort-of-collaborator Sam Brewster, and he does all sort of marvellous things with pens and stuff.

We haven't played in our native Sheffield for quite some time, so this Saturday we look forward offering the peace pipe to Black International from Edinburgh (we'll be seeing them when we go up there).

Expect more KY.  Demand more KY.  Be luc (KY).

Photo by Rob Gunby

Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Party at the weekend for a 30th (the first) of this chap.  Hat's a giveaway.
Photo by Rob Gunby

Album recording continues apace tonight.

Sunday, 15 July 2012


Imagine if Just William grew up and cheekily recorded an accordion part for an album.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

It's Just Noise

In the last week, we've started recording our debut album. This should hopefully be done by the autumn some time, when we'll take it to Scotland and 'drop it' from the top of North Britain.  The drums and bass are pretty much down, and now we must add the oboes.  Every time we get something right, our engineer gives us a banana.  We can see below that Guy has two bananas.  Well done Guy.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Monday Melon Pieces

The final track from our recent demo.  Available to download until Friday.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Saturday Sandwich

Here's another demo. These'll all disappear soon. Get it while it's hot.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Sunday, 8 April 2012

One, Two, Testes, Testes

We recorded some things last Wednesday by way of inspiring us to do it again, but taking longer on the next one. 
And the ones we did are quite new. 
One was 'Fourfive', of which an early version we have a video for, albeit of shakey quality from one of our HQ shows. 
'Steamship*' (a.k.a 'Backhand Cuntslap') doesn't have me (skillz) singing much on it - it being a frontrunner for quality to be sure, to be sure. 
'Eat' is a weird song, and features T-Dubz** doing spoken word shit. 
'Biketheft' is a song that you might like if you liked 'Ask The Universe'. Don't know that one? It goes "Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh dyooo" and stuff.
Also, if you get Pudge's new EP, some of us sing on it, in low-in-the-mix stereography. 

*Title given to radio people. 
**That's Tom that is.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

The KY are imminently going to do some acousticality on the wireless. Generally, this is how we feel about acoustic music.

Saturday, 21 January 2012


"And the trails you see in skies, I don't believe you son..."

(Nicked from Jon Ronson)

Friday, 13 January 2012


"I don't believe you!  You're a liar... Play it fuckin' QUIET!"

In common with some other artists, we will shortly be doing a session for the Beeb.  A condition of this is that we play acoustic.  

Yeah isn't it?

Still, sometimes cool things happen when one is thrown a sack of curved balls, although this time, our balls will be on the other foot, so to speak.

The date for this is the 26th, so we shall let you know how this goes.
