Wednesday, 25 January 2012

The KY are imminently going to do some acousticality on the wireless. Generally, this is how we feel about acoustic music.

Saturday, 21 January 2012


"And the trails you see in skies, I don't believe you son..."

(Nicked from Jon Ronson)

Friday, 13 January 2012


"I don't believe you!  You're a liar... Play it fuckin' QUIET!"

In common with some other artists, we will shortly be doing a session for the Beeb.  A condition of this is that we play acoustic.  

Yeah isn't it?

Still, sometimes cool things happen when one is thrown a sack of curved balls, although this time, our balls will be on the other foot, so to speak.

The date for this is the 26th, so we shall let you know how this goes.
