Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Double you tea eff are we doing then?

Well, people are both tactile and visual and in order to placate those desires we may well film something.  And that something will more than likely have a soundtrack based on a song of ours.  A shorter way of saying that might be to say: we will do a video, OK?

Plans are afoot for jaunts southward - a stronghold of the funky, and a place where fixed-geared bicycles are not mocked on grounds of practicality (yes, we have big hills where we are) and where 'real ale' is a lifestyle choice rather than a sentence.  No promises though - you gotta stay dangerous.

We spent a while on our ALBUM THAT IS CALLED YAN TAN TETHERA - as you can tell, subtle promotion is difficult - but we have new things we want to throw at a wall like a wet towel.  It might stick.  If it falls on a radiator, it might ferment.

The north is harsh.  The country is demoralised.  We don't promise answers unless the question is "Are you them?" to which the answer will be "..."

And as we all know, that is merely morse code inside irony quotes.

